Monday, August 3, 2009

Thoughts on Wiki

Both edutopia and teachersfirst offered many great examples on how to use a Wiki in the classroom. As a history teacher, I am considering using a Wiki for the following assignments that I have done in the past, "the old school way":

1. Mock Debate on a person or issue.
2. A travel brochure on a country or state.
3. Movie / Book reviews.

It seems as though many teachers use Wikis to challenge students to discover information more independently. Students can make their own Wikis and learn both content and research skills.



  1. I like the idea of making students more independent.

  2. Wikis could be a great way to truly differentiate instruction. Students can work at their own levels.

  3. I think it is exciting to think of ways to transform something you already have into an assignment that fosters more independence and challenges them to use the technology in meaningful ways.

  4. Hello

    Nice Blog!

    Yes, the independent thing would be good, but also wikis are very collaborative and group problem-solvy. I wonder if strategizing is easier on a wiki than face to face for some students? Whether social group dynamics are different (voices more equal?) when working on a wiki..?

  5. I agree with Damon, that some children (people) will have an easier time with face to screen interaction than face to face. However, I think we need to be careful, especially as children are becoming more facile online, to moderate their use of this communication, so as to promote their ability to learn real social interaction skills. Just a thought... :)
