Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Podcasting in the classroom

I enjoyed Edutopia's article on Brent Coley and the success he has had implementing technology into his fifth grade classroom. Coley's students use podcasts to summarize themes at the end of major units. I thought that this was a terrific and straightforward way to use this technology. This assignment will offer students a way to show their knowledge in a new way, other than simply writing a page summary. I might "steal" this idea:)

I was surprised to learn that Coley's students are generally more motivated knowing that their work would be published on the web. Coley informs his students that teachers and children often view their work across the globe. Nice way to motivate students!

1 comment:

  1. I find it interesting that the students were more motivated when they realized their work was going on the web. You should see if it impacts your students in the same way.
